Setting Policies For Vaping Fire Safety | CheckFire Ltd.
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Setting policies for vaping fire safety

The rise of vaping has led to an increase in vape fires, and gaining a thorough understanding of vaping fire safety is crucial for setting the right policies for your organisation. Here, we provide a guide to identifying and managing risks, communicating policies, and creating spaces for vaping safely onsite.


Can vapes set on fire?

Vapes can potentially catch fire if used improperly, or if there’s a device malfunction. Most vapes use lithium-ion batteries, which can be volatile and catch fire or explode if damaged, overcharged, or exposed to high temperatures.


To prevent vapes from catching fire, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and only use the recommended charging equipment. Overcharging or using incompatible chargers can lead to battery failure, which can cause a vape fire. Exposing vapes to extreme temperatures can also result in vape fires.


Can vapes set off fire alarms?

Fire alarms are triggered by smoke detectors and, while vaping doesn’t technically produce smoke, it’s still possible for vapes to set off fire alarms. However, the likelihood of this depends on several factors, including the sensitivity of the alarm’s sensor, the size and composition of the vape cloud, and the proximity of the vape device to the alarm. To minimise the risk of setting off a fire alarm while vaping, avoid using vapes near smoke detectors or in confined spaces, and ensure adequate ventilation.


How to recycle disposable vapes

Can measures be put in place within a business or premises to recycle used vapes? Unfortunately not. Most disposable vapes are made from a combination of plastic, metal, and electronic components, which makes them difficult to recycle and often results in them being disposed of in landfills. However, it’s always worth checking with a local waste management or recycling centre, as some have specific programs for recycling electronic waste, including disposable vapes.


How to dispose of vapes

Vapes and their components should be disposed of properly to prevent environmental harm and potential safety hazards. Here are some guidelines on safely disposing of the different components:


  • Batteries should never be thrown in the bin, as they can leak chemicals and cause fires. Instead, they should be recycled or disposed of at a battery recycling centre.
  • E-liquid should be taken to a hazardous waste disposal site or a pharmacy for safe disposal. If the bottle is empty, it can be thrown in the bin.
  • Coils can be disposed of in the bin, but it’s recommended to wrap them in a paper towel or plastic wrap to prevent injury to waste management workers.
  • Devices can be disposed of in the bin, but it is recommended to disassemble them first. The battery should be removed and recycled, while the other components can be thrown away.


Key considerations for policy setting


Placement of vaping areas

Vaping does not meet the legal or clinical definitions of smoking, so policies need to be clear on the differences. For example, evidence demonstrates that secondhand smoke is known to cause harm to bystanders, whereas risk to health from secondhand e-cigarette vapour is extremely low. This evidence should inform risk assessments, and may determine the proximity of vaping areas vs smoking areas to other parts of a building or outdoor space.


Furthermore, vapes are used almost exclusively by smokers and ex-smokers, and are the most popular stop-smoking aid in England. To help smokers stop smoking and stay smoke-free, vapers should not be required to use the same space as smokers.


Risk of uptake by young people

Vaping is illegal to people under the age of 18. In developing policies for child and youth settings, guarding against potential youth uptake should be balanced with fostering an environment where it is easier for adults not to smoke.


Communication of policies

Signage is crucial for providing guidance on fire safety, and this extends to smoking and vaping laws and policies too. Indicate accurately where vaping is permitted or prohibited, and communicate the policy clearly to everyone it affects.



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